Cocktail Music?

After having successfully completed a large assignment for a well-known global company a few weeks ago, I’m currently sitting on a new interesting task.

The task is to develop suitable music for cocktails that are to be marketed on a large scale in cooperation with other countries.

One of two songs is already finished. I have sent this as audio and also provided with a suitable video to the idea giver of the project. I was excited to see how the idea would be received. The feedback received directly afterwards was as follows (quote):

“To put it briefly, it’s terrific. It’s not at all what I imagined, but it’s awesome. You capture with the video and the music exactly what people need and crave at the moment. I can taste the cocktail even though I don’t have one in my hand at all. It’s phenomenal.”

That blew me away, and I’m happy and grateful that my vision is having such an impact.

I can’t reveal more just yet. Everything else will follow! Stay tuned and check back.



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